
How pictograms notebook work?

TalkUp! It is an alternative carriage (Tablets or Smartphones) with the functionality of a notebook augmentative communication.

Characteristics required for a notebook effective communications:
  1. Ease of use: Any function required by the user should not take more than two steps
  2. Simplicity of management: The management of content (images, sounds) must be independent of the application.
  3. Multilanguage: The application can run in any language without being personalized.
  4. Sounds: Sounds associated with pictograms should be easy to play and manage.
The application consists of the reproduction performance of a notebook augmentative communication, for it leaves with pictograms are grouped by theme. The pictograms are selected and added to the sentence strip to make the request, and the user can play the sounds of the sentence strip.
Like traditional communication notebooks, the application consists of 2 sections:
  • Strip phrase: Low section sets where pictograms are inserted to make the request.
  • Sheets Pictograms: Pictograms thematic groupings.

Sheets pictograms

They consist of several sheets (up to 20 depending on the version) to contain pictograms thematic groupings, each sheet has a different background color to distinguish. A sheet can contain up to 32 pictograms (whose bottom the associated text shown) may be in PNG or JPG format and are read directly from device directory, for which they are grouped into subdirectories. These pictograms are charged to the App in the snatch and she identifies leaf pictograms for each subdirectory.
From the above it is concluded that the location, order and position of the symbols are linked to a directory structure and function is no App, whereby the content management is simplified.
Allows horizontal displacements between sheets of pictograms laterally dragging the current sheet to the right - left, being strip phrase always fixed position.

  • When selecting a pictogram a copy in the sentence strip is created.
  • The strip phrase can be powered by pictograms of different leaves.
  • It is not permitted to select the same pictogram 2 times in the same request.
  • The pictograms marked as unavailable have a particular treatment (see below).

Pictograms not available: You can specify the unavailability of the function of a pictogram marking the image by an "X" in red. The pictograms selected as unavailable or can not be dragged to the sentence strip according to the settings of the application.

Strip phrase

Consists of a lower section where selected pictograms pictograms sheets are inserted.
At the beginning the sentence strip is blank, except has marked a pictogram appears by default (eg Yogurt) in the administration section (see settings).

  • By clicking on the pictogram Click reproduce the sound (eg Yogurt).
  • You can play the entire phrase clicking the play (>) icon.
  • Clean sentence strip eliminating the pictograms one to one by pressing the X
  • Clean entire sentence strip holding the X for 3 seconds

Configuration options Notebook communications

There are three settings for the application:
  1. Pictograms default the sentence strip: the text of default pictogram will always appear in the sentence strip when the application is added.
  2. Pictograms not available: text (os) pictogram (s) not available in the communication notebook displaying them with a red X is added. There is also the possibility of not allowing drag this pictogram on the sentence strip.
  3. Resize Image and Text: You can change the sizes of the images and texts in order to give prominence to each other as the learning phase.

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